Heal Membership – HEAL

Heal Membership

The HEAL® Membership

Ready to take control of your life, rediscover your sense of worth, and overcome your past?

If you’re looking for a path to heal that will guide you through actionable steps, instilling the belief that healing is possible, gaining knowledge and mastering new life skills, living a life with purpose while cultivating the ability to have fulfilling relationships, then joining our HEAL® community will be the best decision that you can make for your future.
A Survivor Who is Educated...

on the culture of abuse and learning new life skills to overcome their past has FAR more control over their life than one that doesn’t.

The system I provide in the HEAL® Membership helps you take the guesswork out of finding a path to heal with our 5-stage approach. Education is a key element in our process.

And here's the best part...

Your pain has the potential to be transformed into something extraordinary, making you a powerful force full of purpose. The greatest secret lies in discovering your inner strength, which, with the right help, education, and guidance, will carry you through any trial and enable you to create the future you desire.

HEAL® was created to be your trusted guide, walking alongside you on your journey to healing and freedom. The HEAL® community is the key that can unlock a safer, healthier future.

This approach to healing – through an online membership – allows you to produce a life free from abuse for yourself and your family no matter where you live and being able to access resources on your computer, tablet, or phone.

There is so much information out there.
Don’t know where to start?

HEAL® was created to give survivors, everywhere, the opportunity to know that they are of worth, to know they have value, and know they have the power to overcome their past, stop the abuse from continuing, and tap into their potential.

Those who decide to not get the help they need or to invest in themselves will find it hard to take control of their life after abuse.

They will continue to be burdened with the pain of their past never understanding that healing is possible.

So, why is now the perfect time for you to heal?

Because you can start healing at any stage in your life!

Meet Founder/CEO, Author, and Healed Survivor, Wendy M. Johnson

Hi I ’m Wendy M Johnson

Since 2018, I’ve been working intimately with survivors across the nation and recently in other countries.
As the founder of the exclusive HEAL® membership for survivors of sexual abuse, Author of the HEAL. Workbook – the course used inside the HEAL® membership, I’ve been supporting, helping, and guiding survivors of all different ages and stages in their healing journey.

From just beginning to starting up again, to not believing that someone can really heal to getting stuck in the shame stage, I have helped them all and so many more!

And through it all, I’ve discovered what survivors need to be educated on to heal and finish the journey to wholeness. What I found was subtle nuances that make a BIG difference in the success of healing and overcoming vs. those that give up or never believe it is possible.

My Story

As a survivor myself, I have been where you are – not sure how to navigate the healing journey. To me it was a maze of confusion. I spent years exploring various avenues, from support groups to therapists, in my quest for healing. I grappled with managing triggers, flashbacks, and nightmares, while also rebuilding healthy family relationships and moving forward with my life while I was still healing. It was challenging and at times a disheartening experience as I encountered dead ends and inadequate support along the way. I felt lost and unsure of how to move forward.

However, my journey took a turn when I became a parent. The responsibility of protecting my children became a powerful catalyst, motivating me to continue my search for the right help. Once I discovered the right resources, I made a commitment to dedicate myself to healing every single day. Within a year, armed with newfound knowledge and tools, I gained the strength and confidence to manage my life independently. It wasn’t always easy, but I realized that my resilience grew from the work I had done, and I developed a belief in my own capacity to heal.

After my children were grown and yes, protected from sexual abuse, I made a personal promise to devote my life to assisting other survivors in finding the right support, education, and guidance. This commitment led to the creation of HEAL®, a program detailing 5 stages of healing designed to provide survivors with the resources and a clear path to feeling whole. HEAL® is not just a place to get resources, it is a transformative journey that guides you from pain to a sense of wholeness. It demonstrates that There is Life After Abuse ® and offers a future filled with purpose and the ability to tap into your potential.

Drawing from my unique perspective behind the scenes, I have authored HEAL®, a workbook specifically crafted to empower survivors in overcoming their past. This workbook is an integral part of the HEAL Membership, which offers an exclusive experience to guide survivors through their healing process.

Ultimately, with the right information, education, and support, you will reflect on your journey and proudly proclaim, “I did it! This was an immense challenge, but I persevered! I put in the work, and now I know what true freedom feels like!”

My important discoveries regarding the healing journey

As I worked with survivors throughout the years, I discovered there were really three groups of survivors… Those who ‘suffer alone,’ those who ‘have tried and stopped,’ and those who ‘believe healing is possible.’


This group was found to keep the trauma to themselves out of fear or have come forward only to be threatened into silence, leading them to bury the truth deep within. These individuals feel trapped and limited by their own thoughts, believing there is no where they can go to heal or feel safe. They feel they lack the necessary information to heal and recover.


This group are survivors who have reached out for help, maybe several times, started on a path to healing through a support group, therapists or retreats, read books, listened to podcasts, but did not get the right help they needed to finish the journey. This person is stuck in their pain cycle, easily triggered, unable to manage emotions, doesn’t believe they can heal or they believe healing will hurt them more.


Those in this group may not know how to overcome but are hopeful they can heal. They are willing and open to learn and do not want to be a victim of their past. They are willing to reach out for help and to keep persevering when they have not found the right help. They are open to education and awareness, and self-reflection exploring their feelings, fears, and triggers. They are willing to learn healthy coping strategies and set boundaries.
Needless to say, I paid attention to those that ‘Believed Healing was Possible’ and due to my own healing journey of overcoming, learned firsthand the TOP belief systems they were using to consistently grow and heal.
I tested my discoveries AND IT WORKED!
After years of working with survivors, I decided to create the first sexual abuse membership site where survivors can be a part of a community focused on growth and overcoming and can participate in support groups, Co-HEALing Power Hours, workshops, ask a coach questions or use discreetly, and even anonymously, if wanted, to learn how to heal from sexual abuse.
So I started sharing MY FINDINGS …
And what I shared WORKED!
And the results speak for themselves…


from this support group was that I was not alone and that I was not crazy. That these experiences and flashbacks were real and I didn’t have to keep reliving them day to day. I could start my healing process with lasting relationships and promising recovery. – Survivor


rational structure for me to follow and work through. The group setting allowed me to see that I wasn’t alone and that my experiences didn’t make me defective.” – Survivor


because it was different. I had hope that I could recover and not just “cope.” – Survivor
The point is, with the right framework and system you can adopt the HEAL® Membership Experience methodologies to any stage you find yourself on the healing path.

And now, I’d like to share The HEAL® Membership with you.

The challenge with workshops or masterclasses is I can only serve a small group. I knew more people could benefit from what I was teaching. That’s why I developed the HEAL® Membership and if you join us, I’d love to help you, too.
The HEAL® Membership can help!As healed survivors we have an opportunity to create a better world – and it’s a big reason why I am so passionate about this work.

Learn healing is possible and There isLifeAfter Abuse®

So what is the HEAL® Membership?The HEAL® Membership Experience is a 5-stage healing program that gives you clarity on a path to heal and confidence to grow and overcome your past.

The HEAL® Membership Journey

This course is designed to take you through the HEAL Membership Journey where you willBuild Mindset – Build Knowledge – Build Life Skills – Build Inner Belief – Build Purpose.
Here’s What You Get With The HEAL® Membership Experience
Healing Journey Bootcamp

The HEAL® Five Stages











The HEAL® Monthly Membership...

was created for women on a journey to heal from sexual abuse and overcome living with unresolved trauma that can leave you feeling broken or not feeling worthy of love and affection and can stop you from having fulfilling relationships. Members have access to the exclusive step-by-step HEAL® Course delivered in masterclass style videos. Members have access to the exclusive step-by-step HEAL® Course. Over 100 masterclass style videos, journaling, assessments, inspirational videos, meditations, etc. to ensure you have supportive resources at all times.

You do have options, butyou might want to make HEAL® a part of your solution.

The problem:


You can research on your own, scouring the internet for tidbits of information, listening to podcasts, reading books trying to figure out how to navigate the healing process, could cost you not only time, but precious time that could be spent on focused healing and overcoming.


You can ask for advice from friends and family members or co-workers on what you should do or how to do it. Depending on what they say it could have a serious effect on what actions you take next. It could set you back or the wrong advice and prolong your healing process for years.
The Solution: HEAL® has created the first and only online membership to fill those gaps by providing a membership that teaches new life skills and coping strategies enabling clients to break the cycle of abuse and lead fulfilling lives. You know, I understand that you may be nervous about how the healing process works for overcoming sexual abuse and your past or if it is even possible. You may have been told you ‘can’t heal.’ But I want you to know this…You Can! And those who say you can’t have never experienced the freedom of knowing you can HEAL®.I pride myself on dedicating my life to making sure survivors have access to resources they need to heal and that the processes that are created of survivor focused. I stand firmly behind everything I offer in my business.
If you are unhappy with the HEAL® Membership during the first 2 weeks, I want to give you your money back.

So Let’s Recap…Here’s What you Get With The HEAL® Membership

The HEAL® Monthly Membership…was created for women on a journey to heal from sexual abuse and overcome living with unresolved trauma that can leave you feeling broken or not feeling worthy of love and affection and can stop you from having fulfilling relationships. Members have access to the exclusive step-by-step HEAL® Course. Over 100 masterclass style videos, journaling, assessments, inspirational videos, meditations, etc. to ensure you have supportive resources at all times. Complete Access to HEAL’s Growth toolsComplete access to personal metrics and analytics that include well-being daily check-ins, trigger tracker, and personal behavior monitoring. Live Q&As with Wendy2x a month with Wendy answering your questions LIVE. You can ask direct questions to Wendy by submitting your questions in advance to help you on your healing journey where you may feel stuck. This weekly check-in serves as a prompt feedback session, aimed at aiding you in gaining clarity on your journey towards healing. Live Workshops (HEAL® Exclusive FB Community).The Live workshops foster self-reflection and help nurture a consistent personal growth routine, empowering you to recognize unhelpful patterns and address them accordingly.Weekly Live Virtual Support GroupYou can choose to go through the HEAL® Course with a group. This is a 12-week group where you will be supported with others on the same healing journey. You can drop-in any week. HEAL® MeditationsCalming influence when you need it. Resources and BonusesWorksheets and Bonus videos on deep dives into important issues. Achievement BadgesTo show you progress as you reach towards new milestones and action steps. Private and Safe CommunityYou will have access to a positive community and be with other like-minded women who are growth minded and focused on healing and overcoming.


Hope Membership

What you get with a Hope Membership: $39 a month or $390 Annual

Believe Membership

What you get with a Believe Membership: $97 a month or $970 Annual

If you have any questions or concerns about the membership just email us. We’re happy to help: support@healinnovations.com

Payment methods accepted Visa, Mastercard

I Will Be Here To Support You ALL THE WAY

The HEAL® Membership will help you create a life free from abuse. So, if you want to transform your life, then I invite you to say ‘yes’ to more time investing in yourself. ‘Yes’ taking control in your life. ‘Yes’ to overcoming those obstacles that hold you back. ‘Yes’ to choosing to heal. I look forward to being your coach and a supportive guide along your healing journey. Click this button below and enroll now. I’ll see you inside the program.